Lindeman’s Brings Convenience and Quality Right to Your Door
The Lindeman’s Cleaning Connection™ offers convenience and time savings. As a member of Lindeman’s Cleaning Connection you’ll receive their recognizable red bag.
Just fill the bag, and Lindeman’s will pick it up at your home or office, and deliver your laundered and dry cleaned clothing and household items back in a matter of days!
Membership is FREE and includes:
A 10% discount*
Monthly specials for additional savings
Pick-up and delivery days scheduled your convenience
We accept credit and debit cards
You will receive a FREE red Cleaning Connection bag with ID and cleaning preferences
*Alterations and repairs are not discounted.
If you’re interested in this time-saving program, or if you have any questions, please call Jessie at 920-435-5345.
During October, 2022, Lindeman’s is offering 15% Off on the Cleaning of Blouses and Drapes
Remember, for your convenience, Lindeman’s has 8 Area Locations!
Please Let Lindeman’s know that the Green Bay News Network Sent You!