
Who we are

The Green Bay News Network is dedicated to connecting locally owned businesses, non-profit and community organizations with people who work and live in the Greater Green Bay Area.

We believe that our customers who provide valuable products and services to our local community shouldn’t have to deal with the complexities and high cost of being found online.

We also believe that it should be easy for consumers in our area to find news updates, upcoming events, local jobs, and daily / weekly specials without spending hours surfing the web across multiple websites.

We believe there is strength in numbers.  We are a growing network of locally owned businesses and community organizations who are coming together to provide the best online source of information in the Green Bay area.

What we do

The Green Bay News Network takes the functionality of an online news service, community events calendar, weekly special / couponing, job postings, search engine and search engine optimization services, and rolls them up into one nice, neat and cost effective service.

Local businesses and community organizations can easily publish news, events, specials, job openings in one place, so consumers only have to go to one place to find them!