Enroll Now for Graduate Studies at UW-Green Bay

Posted on 11-25-2020

Students and experienced professionals can extend their learning in one of the fastest-growing graduate programs in the state at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Applications for spring and fall 2021 are open now! UW-Green Bay has a diverse array of graduate programs as the University responds to emerging fields and partners with industry leaders, even during this pandemic.

UW-Green Bay students gain the advantages of abundant learning experiences with partners in the community that include the Green Bay Packers, Titletown Tech, a number of regional local healthcare providers and leading businesses and organizations.

Students will take their place among the next class of future leaders and decision-makers by learning from professionals who are leading innovation and making changes in cutting-edge fields.

“Now is a great time for students to rise to the challenge and advance their career at UW-Green Bay,” says Associate Vice Chancellor of Graduate Studies Pieter deHart. “We have graduate programs across a wide variety of fields, those which are important to our community during the pandemic and into the future. Graduate education is an important step for qualification in important areas such as health care, business, environmental science, and technology, and we offer everything from courses to certificates to masters and doctoral degrees in face-to-face, hybrid, and online formats! Our faculty and staff have done an amazing job of making each of our graduate experiences accessible to students across all walks of life during these times, as the need for highly trained and bold leaders in our community is more important now than ever before.” 

A list of graduate programs are as follows:

Applied biotechnology
Applied Leadership for Teaching and Learning
Athletic Training
Data science
Environmental Science and Policy
Health and Wellness Management
Impact MBA
Nursing Leadership and Management
Nutrition and Integrated Health
Social Work
Sports, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
Sustainable Management

Application materials and deadlines vary for each program, but students should aim to send applications in at least two weeks before the designated semester to allow time for review and advising. Earlier is better and some programs have priority deadlines. International students should send all needed application materials at least two months in advance. For specific requirements, visit the Graduate Studies page, https://www.uwgb.edu/graduate/.

UW Green Bay

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay is a multi-campus comprehensive university offering exemplary undergraduate, master’s and select doctoral programs and operating with a commitment to excellence in teaching, scholarship and research, and service to the community. The University provides a problem focused educational experience that promotes critical thinking and student success.

The culture and vision of the University reflect a deep commitment to diversity, inclusion, social justice, civic engagement, and educational opportunity at all levels. Our core values embrace community-based partnerships, collaborative faculty scholarship and innovation.

Our commitment to a university that promotes access, career success, cross-discipline collaboration, cultural enrichment, economic development, entrepreneurship, and environmental sustainability is demonstrated through a wide array of programs and certifications offered in four colleges: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Science, Engineering and Technology (including the Richard Resch School of Engineering); College of Health, Education and Social Welfare; and the Austin E. Cofrin School of Business, leading to a range of degrees, including AAS, BA, BAS, BBA, BM, BS, BSN, BSW, MS, MSW, MSN, and Ed.D.​